Sometimes pretentious yet mostly brilliant. Mostly.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Because I'm bored and I found it

You ever surf the internet, doing your thing, being a fanboy, all that jazz, and then you find a picture that makes you lose your shit and laugh until you start crying? Yeah, right here.

Check out the sleepy guy I circled. "I'm here to see Amanda Palmer, but I'm trying to nail this chick here who loves that guy, wosshisname? Kneel Gayman? Funny... name... sleeeeeeepy..."

Sorry, but that's what I heard in my head when I saw this. That said, I also saw the Who Killed Amanda Palmer book, interesting stuff, but I think I'm almost exclusively interested in Neil's stories. He's good at that whole writing thing. Whatever Happened To The Caped Crusader? Good stuff.


ED said...

Gaiman and Palmer are boning, apparently. For some reason, it makes sense.

Steve Lynn B. said...

Yeah, they've been at it awhile from what I read. I mean, he wrote the fake review on the back of her solo album.

Plus they did that nudie interview. :)